Friday, September 15, 2017



  1. This so cool! It's the perfect mix of light and dark. Instead of making him out of shapes you used the shapes to create shadows. That's awesome.

  2. This is wonderful! I am blown away by the detail that is shown in this piece! This is absolutely AMAZING! There are no words to express how astonishing our work here is! I am curious on how long this took you to complete? Knowing how hard humans can be to draw, your depiction of Wolverine is absolutely stunning. Beautiful job!!

    1. Thank you so much! I don't really know exactly how long it took me probably a half an hour or a few minutes, I'm not sure because I was sort of in a hurry to get it done so that it wouldn't be turned in late. I'm really happy that you like it.

  3. Great work! This is so cool! I really liked the positive and negative space you used to make Wolverine! it looks so real!

  4. This is so cool I love it! It looks so good I have no words to say but fantastic job well done.
